You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.7. Kitting - Works Orders > Entering Works Order Lines > Enter WorksOrder Line - Components > Enter Component Line - User Quest
Enter Component Line - User Quest

Use this option to enter the answers to any user defined questions (UDQs) that apply to a works order component. (For more information about user defined questions, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - User Defined Fields").

  1. Display the Enter Component Line screen.

Refer to "Enter WorksOrder Line - Components".

  1. Select USER QUEST.

Micronet displays the User Defined Questions screen.

  1. Complete the fields displayed.

For more information about using this screen, refer to "Edit - User Information".

  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Component Line screen.